
Hellenic Railways (OSE)

Note: If greek characters in this page are chaged and impossible to read, click here .

EN at the upper right is the gate to english page.
This is recently developed. At the right column
TIMETABLE.with the same backgound with greek sign shown below. Select a depature station and a destination from pull down menues respectively. Windows ofAlphabetic Rail Station Searchwill be opened. Major stations asAthina,Thessaloniki,Patra,LarissaandAlexandroupolisare upper line. Other stations should be found from a capital letters. Clicking on Searchshows timetables. Arrival time to intermediate stations are revealed by clicking of the train number.

Under the above shown picture ofdromologiain the right column,
Write depature city in the right column to Απο: : selecting from pull down menu.
Main cities are shown in the upper line.as followed
ΑΘΗΝΑ = Athnai(Athens)
ΘΕΣ/ΝΙΚΗ = Thessaloniki(Salonika) /
ΠΑΤΡΑ= Patrai
ΛΑΡΙΣΑ = Larisa
ΑΛΕΞ/ΠΟΑΗ = Alexandropolis
Other stations should be chosen from greec alphabet initials.
Arrival stations should be choose as in the depature station to the frame Προζ:.:

Click this mark  (Search) after that.
appropriate trains wil be shown. Details are revealed by clicking at the train number in the table. Starting station departure time is not included in the table, but above the table.
In the case of no direct train to your request, several courses will be shown, You may choose one of them. For example, if you wish to go from Θεσσαρσνικη (Thessaloniki) to Πατρα (Patrai) viaΑθενα (Athnai) , The timetables fromΘεσσαρσνικη (Thessaloniki)toΑθενα (Athnai)and that fromΑθενα (Athnai)toΠατρα (Patrai) are separately demonstrated. You may choosea convenient train for you from each route.
The words that appear in table are as follow:.
Απευθιειαζ = direct
Αμαξοτοιχιεζ = train
Αρ. Αμαξ. = Train number
Επιολεν = more, addition
κοστοζ = cost,charge
Συνδεση = connection
Σταθμων = station
Διαδρλμη = course
Ωρα = time(hour)
Αναχωρηζ = departure
Αφιξηζ = arrival

Some other words that appear in the page are as follow:

Ο Οργανσμοζ= The organisation
Ομλοζ ΟΣΕ = OSE group
Αναπτυξη = Developement
Υπηρεσιεζ=Service, Explanation of his train, several kinds of passes as Balkan Flexipass, Train + Ferry, and so on.
Δρομολογια = Itinerary
Πληρψοριεζ δρομολογιων = Information
Αναζηπηση Δρομολογιων= Search Train, the same as above mentioneddromologia..
Αμαξοστοιχιεζ = Table of trains
Σταθμοι = stations and its code alphabetically arranged.
Νεα = News
Περιηγηθειτε = Tourist
Συνδεσμοι= Links concerning Railways.

The lines below the photo of a train.
Εκτακτεζ Ανακοινωσειζ= Special anouncement.
Θεματα Ενδιαψεροντοζ= interesting topics.
Το Περιοδικοτου ΟΣΕ= OSE periodicals.

Links concerning to hellenic Railways  
Athens Metro
Electric Railways of Athens - Piraeus (ISAP S.A.)
Paleologos Shipping and Travel Agency
Ship Transportation in Greece
EMBASSY OF GREECE: Tourist Information  

Railroads in Greece by Paravent JA & Prevedouros PD



Saturday, March 13, 2004

