
Austria Federal Rail (ÖBB)

ÖBB-Austrian Federal Railways
ÖBB English Timetables

Select Englisch from pull down menu of Sprache/Language at the top line.
Fill the spaces following tofrom, to,Date &Time, and then, click onSearch connections. 
Connections - Query Pagewill appear,. thenyou may check on ambiguous inputs and click onSearch connectionsto .search your requests.

You can go to Helsinki in Finland, Kemi in the arctic circle,Novosilbisk in Russia, Parelmo in Sicilia or Lisbon in Portugal.Clicking on Detailansicht shows connection or transfer. Further informations are obtaied by clicking on Reisebegleiter.
GySEVruns in the Austria - Hungary border zone at the southof Vienna. http://www.gysev.hu/ is his URL. You can go to english description from the right column.
WLB Wiener Lokalbahnstart from Vienna Opera using tram line rail. Rail extends to Josephsplatz inBaden.
http://www.wlb.at/ says every 15 minutes in one hour from Vienna.Baden Josephsplatz is possible to search from austrian ÖBB timetables.
Salzburger Lokalbahn http://www.salzburger-stadtwerke.at/
Stern & Hafferl Holding: http://www.stern-verkehr.at ,
If you click on Fahrplane Online, thenlinks toGmundner Strasenbahn, Traunseebahn, Haager Lies,Linzer Lokalbahn-LILO, Lokalbahn Lambach-Vorchdorf, Attergaubahnbecome possible.

Links to other railway-sites in Austria.



Monday, November 07, 2005

