
Estonian Railways (EVR)
GO rail

Estonian Museum Railway

Edelaraudtee You can find gate to English at the right upper corner.
click on "Soiduplaanid ja -hinnad" and scroll down to find Pariguvrm:
Name of the line=Liin,
Departure station=Lahtejaam,
Arrival station=Loppjaam/Sihtjaam,
Otsi!isSearch for timetables.
Pohisoiduplaanid tabelitena  in the left column is convinient to see timetables in pdf format.

Clicking on
GO rail here, then selection of Söiduplaanid from upper column shows the timetables ofTallinn - MoskvaandTallinn - St.Peterburgfrom the right column shows timetable of this section.

Elektriraudtee Tallinn is for suburban railways. select SÖIDUPLAAN from Reisijale is for timetables.Lahtejaam:is for depature station andSihtjaam:is for destination. Input from the pull down menues.
Soiduplaan (xls 47KB) is whole timetables with Excel file.
Road and Railways
Laudtee Inspection
Map of Estonian Railways
Tallin Guide
Tallin Traffic Schedule
Tallinn - trams

Estonian Museum Railway
It lies about 100km south of Tallin. Following message is on the page.
Museum is looking for supporters for implementing of the projects listed at the development programme. Present support has unfortunatelly been unsuficcient for the further development despite of the great attractiveness of museum railway.




Monday, February 11, 2008
