
Chemins de fer Luxembourgeois (CFL)

Luxemburg Railways(CFL)-Luxembourg

Entrance to English is at the left bottom, butEnglish is not available yet.
Input nothing under
Recherche horaire, click onGOin the white circle. The page of Renseignements Horaires Page de demandewill come out, then, input depature station and destination forDe:&À:followed by inputs of appropriate Date and Heure (hour) . Clicking onChercher correspondanceshows choice of trains.Détails pour sélectionis for details.
Arrivée/Départis for station timetables. Input station name to Arret: and click on Afficher.
Horaires PDFis to see national and international timetables.
If you click on Les gares ,
" then, the railway map of the domestic line is seen. Clicking on the appropriate line derives serected timetable.



Saturday, March 29, 2008

