このページは、2019年3月に保存されたアーカイブです。最新の内容ではない場合がありますのでご注意ください |
Slovenia Rail (SZ)
Slovenian railways (SZ)-Slovenian
Slovenian railways (SZ) English
Slovenian National Timetable
English pages are recovered. Click on english at the right top. Input to Departure, Arrival, via & Date, and then Search.
If you choose International Transport, several city names are shown and click on one of them, and some explanation of the city, followed by train timetable from Ljubljana.
Click on
at the left end below the logotype of Slovenske Zeleznice, then
Vozni red v notranjem prometu/Timetable with Prices(Inland)
appears to search timetable of trains.
Vstopna postaja: means departure station andIzstopna postaja: is destination. Selection should be made according to the pull down menus.isciis to search trains of ordinary direction andpovatna povezavais for reversed direction.Odhod and Prihod are for starting time and arriviing time.Prestopi is times of transfer.Cas Potovanja means necessary time. Clicking on the number underPovezaveshows detail of trains. Further clicking on train number belowSt. vlakareveals itinerary details of the train.
Vrsta vlaka means types of trains, ICS, EC, IC, LP - Potniaki vlak(local), MV - Mednarodni vlak, RG - Regionalni vlakare included.
ThroughSZ-EURO<26 or Inland Transport,You can findICSdown in the right column,
Vozni red(Timetable)
shows InterCity between (Koper - )Ljubljana - Maribor .
National Timetable
Vozni redi po relacijah
is to see section
Under International Timetable
Train connections from Ljubljana to major cities abroad
National Timetable
reveals a table request for inputting. This is written in Slovenian.Englishtimetables are still not available.
Vstopna postaja: means departure station andIzstopna postaja: is destination. Selection should be made according to the pull down menus. Odhod and Prihod are for starting time and closing time. Keep upper Od: 00:00 , and input tolower Do:24:00. After that clicking onIskanje povezaveshows a map, distance and timetables during a day.Povezave nazajshows return trains. Odhod is departure time and Prihod is arrival time. Eas Potovanza means necessary time. Clicking on the number in the line ofPovezaveand thenSt. vlakareveals details of the train.
International Timetable
at the right bottomleads to DB (German railway) english timetable.
d-nevozi ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih = train runs except Saturday, Sunday and holyday.
G-vagon je prirejen tudi za prevoz oseb na invalidskih vozi kih
P- obvezna rezervacija sedeza = reservation compulsory.
O- bistro = buffet.
このページは、2019年3月に保存されたアーカイブです。最新の内容ではない場合がありますのでご注意ください |