このページは、2019年3月に保存されたアーカイブです。最新の内容ではない場合がありますのでご注意ください |
Hungary National Railways (MÁV)
Hungary National Railroads(MÁV)-Hungary
MÁV Timetables (Elvira)
MÁV Start
You can select English from upper right.
You can seeVasuti menetrendat the left hand. , and then click onKeresdwithout input to spaces. you are already in Elvira.You can use english or German from the right shoulder.Input to Honnan(Departure) and Hova(Destination)and after adjustment of the date. Click on Keresd (Start), gradually, train schedule throughout the day is demonstrated below. The triangle mark is gate to details. The train number shows whole schedule of the train.
MÁV Timetables (Elvira)
is timetable search program.
MÁV Start
On the hungarian page, at the bottom,honnan:= depature station,hova:= destination,in the frame of mikor:mais Holiday,holnapis ordinary day clickOKthen Timetables will be shown.
After inputting departure and destination stations and date (today or tomorrow) cliickin fo "OK" shows timetable.visszautis for return trains.
There are some difficulies to select a precise station name, for Wien(Vienna) Süd Bhf(South sta.), selection of platform No.1-9 or No.11-19 is mandatory. No.11-19 is rather convinient to find direct trains.
Click the number of respective train, then reveales details of the train..Major cities in germany, Czech, Slovakia and Romania are included.
Érkezés/Erk. = departure time Indulás/Ind. = arrival tome Átszállás = connecting station)
Budapest City Transit BKV
is for intra-city transport. you can choose English from the upper column.
このページは、2019年3月に保存されたアーカイブです。最新の内容ではない場合がありますのでご注意ください |