このページは、2019年3月に保存されたアーカイブです。最新の内容ではない場合がありますのでご注意ください |
Trenitalia English Timetables
There seems to have no clue in the first page.Click on"Segui il tuo treno in tempo reale"at the left shoulder, then,"Viaggia Treno" will be comming. Orclick onINVIAwithout input to the spaces.
Select English from the right of top line of Trenitalia. Then input depature and arrival stations.English names as Venice, Florence, Milan, Naples or Rome are acceptable.
If english page does not work, input depatuture station to"dove vuoi partire?"and destination to"Dove vuoi arrivare?".
Input date to"Quando vuoi partire?"as "dd/mm/yyyy" and time to ."A che ora?".
Then, click on "INVIA". Engish city names as Naples, Venice or Florence are not accepted. Write as Napoli, Firenze or Venezia with Italian proper names. In Italian, Munich in Germany is also Written as Monaco. Therefore, Monaco Centrale is Munich (München Hbf), While Monaco in Principality is defferenciated as Monaco Monte Carlo.
Artesia: France-Italy Day
Artesia: France-Italy Night
Vatican City State Railway
La Ferrovia dello Stato della Città del Vaticano
Ferrovia Nord Milano
TAMT@M at the lower right is the gate to timetable search. Stazione di partenza is departure station and Stazione di arrivo is destination. After adjustment of time and date, click on Ricerca or search timetables. Malpensa Express, between Milano Cadorna and Malpensa Aeroporto,is available every 30 minutes.
Malpensa Express Milano-Aeroporto
Ferrovie del Sud Est/
SSIFSocieta Subalpina di Imprese Ferroviarie
Il Trenino delle Centovalli
Ferrovia Circumvesviana = SFSM Strade Ferrate Secondarie Meridionali
Ferrovia Circumetnea
out of work on Sunday and Holiday, connect to
without charge.
このページは、2019年3月に保存されたアーカイブです。最新の内容ではない場合がありますのでご注意ください |