
Ukraine Railways

Ukraine Railways
Eastern Ukraine Transit

No english pages are found.
Ukranian cyrillic is a liitlle defferent from Russian cyrillic. I prefe
r trying Russian pages for translation.
Note: If cyrillic characters in this page are changed and impossible to read, click here .

Beneath Для пасажирiв  (for passengers)
Click on Розклад руху поiздiв  (Train timetable), then a page titled "Прибуття Вiдправлення" will appear.
Fill the blanks of your selection.
Назви станцiй   (Name of Station)
Вiд: (from)
 До: (to)
[Номер пойзда](Train number)
[Розклад по основним станцйям] 
(timetable of main station)
different from above mentioed Train search, Name of stations must be select by pull down menu here,. Therefore, main station timetables are rather easily seen.
Номер поiзда =Train number
Train Route
Час прибуття = arrival time
Час вiдправлення = depature time
Прибуття на к?нцеву станцiю = final terminal station

In Russian Page , clicking on Для пассажиров  (For Passengers)
and then
Расписание движения  (Traffic timetable)to approach
Прибытие Отправление
(Arrival Depature) .

Fill the following spaces by your selection.

Названия станций  (Station names)
От: [Om;] (From:) your departure station
До: (To:) your destination

ИЛИ Or input train number to[Номер поезда] (Train number) .

 =Search  =cancel

Then timetable will appear on your requirement.
Resective columns are under following titles:
Номер поезда=TrainNumber
Периодичность=Running Period
Cтанция отправления=Departure Station
Время прибытия=Arrival Time
Время отправления=Departure Time
Станция прибытия=Arrival Station or Destination
Время прибытия=Arrival Time
Время отправления= Departure Time

[Расписание по основным станциям]  (Timetable of main station)
Select station name from pull down menu. The, click on=Search
Номер поезда=Train number
Маршрут =
Train Route
Время прибытия= arrival time
Время отправления= depature time
Прибытие на конечную станцию= final terminal station

CIS railway timetable (English)
is very useful. The UK flag at the left shoulder is he gate way to english.
There are many spaces in the top page though, selection of one way is sufficient to seek the timetable.
The top space above "Prefix searchas default" is to seek the station with an initial few letter. You can find some from pull down menu. A space above"Station rating" is to seek a major station from pull down mwnu, for example stations in Moskva, Sankt-Peterburg, Kiev, Minsk or Riga.
After either way, inputs of date of travel and time zone are requested. Then all the train (including depature and arrival) are shown. Clicking train number is to see details.

If you select Train number: all the trains of the same number will be shownin pull down menuwith the train sections..
Selection of an appropriate train shows details of it.

If you fulfil the spaces in Route that follow "FROM:" and "TO:", the the trains in accordance are shown. Click on "time" at the tail is to show whole travelling time, for example from Moskva to Vladivostok, 8 days and 6 hous or so.

Russian, C.I.S. and Baltic Railway Timetables
The former name was Collection of Railway Timetables .and it is true, many linkage programs are written in Russian that is difficult to understand for ordinary travellars from outside.

Russia TravelOfficial Guide
URL is http;//www.russia-travel.com/
informational guide to visas, hotels, tours, history, and more.



Friday, February 08, 2008
